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Grain Growth Kinetics and Debye Temperature of Nanometer TiO_2 Powders Prepared by a Sol-gel Process

Ju LUO , Xingzhao DING , Benpei CHEN and Jie KONG(Institute of Solid State Physics , Academia Sinica , Hefei , 230031 , China)Yuanda DONG(Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials , Shanghai University of Technology , Shanghai , 200072 , China)


The development of microstructure of nanometer TiO2 powders prepared by a sol-gel process was systematically studied. Grain growth was mon itored using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). and the Debye temperature of anatase crystallites was determined. It was found that the grain size of the powders increased slowly with annealing temperature up to 773 K. but grew rapidly in the temperature range of 773-1273K. The activation energies (Ea) for the growth of anatase crystallites in the two temperature regions were calculated to be 16 and 90 kJ / mol, respectively. The Debye temperatures of nanocrystalline anatase powders were all lower than that of microcrystalline anatase. which implies that the bonding force between Ti and O atoms in nanocrystalline TiO2 shourd be smaller than that in microcrystalline state. However. it was noted that the Debye temperature of nanocrystalline anatase increased with the decrease of grain size. This may be attributed to the enhancement in atomic bonding force due to the existence of high surface tension in nanocrystalline powders


Mossbauer Spectroscopic Studies on a Supersaturated Solid Solution of Fe-Cu Formed by Mechanical Alloying

Yuanzheng YANG and Xueming MA (Institute of Solid State Physics , Academia Sinica , Hefei , 230031 , China)(To whom correspondence should be addressed)Yuanda DONG(Dept. of Metallurgy arid Materials , Shanghai University of Technology , Shanghai , 200072 , China)


Mechanical alloying (MA) was employed to produce supersaturated solid solutions of Fe1-xCux,which is virtually immiscible under an equilibrium condition at ambjent temperature. The X-ray diffraction results show that the solutions formed in the concentration ranges of x≤0.1 5 and x≥0.40 are of bcc structure of iron and fcc structure of copper. respectively. For the region in between.however, the alloy obtained is a mixture of bcc plus fcc phases. The Mossbauer spectrum of the solid solution of a single phase could be fitted by two sub-spectra with hyperfine magnetic fields of 200 and 250 kOe. respectively. suggesting that there must exist two forms of coordination in the solution. While to fit the spectrum for the solution with mixed structu re. three Sub-spectra. including a spectrum of α-Fe, should be used. The variation of the Mossbauer spectra of Fe60Cu40 with milling time as well as annealing temperature was systematically studied. This may be ascribed to the changes of the number of nearest neighboring atoms of iron in the processes of formation and decomposition of the solid solution during milling and annealing


An Improvement on Adhesion of Sputtered TiC Coating to Steel Substrate

QI Zhenzhong , YAO Weiguo , WANG Yuqi , LIU Ling , JIA Junhui Institute of Solid State Physics , Academia Sinica , Hefei , China.


Introducing N_2 during sputtering and pre-oxidation of substrate were investigated to improve the adhesion of sputtered TiC coating to steel substrate. The results show that yeactive gas N_2 increases the adhesion of TiC coating to steel because of a graded interface existing between coating and substrate. The interaction of discharge plasma with the surface of substrate was discussed. Pre-oxidation of substrate is effective for improving the adhesion due to the fomation of FeTi0_3 which appeared as an inteylayer between coating and pre-oxidized substrate.

关键词: Sputtering , null , null , null , null

Natural Passivity of Amorphous Fe_(40)Ni_(40)P_(14)B_6 and Fe_(54.6)Ni_(38)Si_(4.1)B_(2.3)V_1 Alloys

Erdong LU and Pengshou XU(Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation Lab. , University of Science and Technology of China , Hefei , 230026 , China)Mingrong JI , Maosheng MA and Xianming LIU(Structure Research Lab. , University of Science and Technology of China , Hefe


The natural passive films forrned on Fe_(40)Ni_(40)P_(14)B_6 and Fe_(54.6)Ni_(38)Si_(4.1)B_(2.3)V_1 amorphous alloys long-term exposed in air have been studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger electron (including Ar+ ion depth profiling) spectroscopy (AES). The following aspects have been investigated: (1) chemical states of the elements in the films. binding energies and the chemical shifts measured by XPSf (2) structure and composition of the films fand (3) thickness of the passive films determined by AES depth profiling and XPS analysis.


Structural Characteristics of Rapidly Quenched Al-Si Alloys

Lin LIU(Institute of Solid State Physics , Academia Sinica , Hefei , 230031 , China)Yuanda DONG(Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials , Shanghai University of Technology , Shanghai , 200072 , China)


The structure of rapldly quenched Al-Si alloys (1 and 4 wt-%Si) was systematically studied by optical and transmission electron microscopy (TEM ) as welI as X-ray djffractjon (XRD). ExperimentaIresults show that rapid solidification refines the grain size. extends the solid solubility of Si in Al and Introduces a high density ot defects which exist in the forms of vacancies, dislocations and dislocation loops. etc.. The decomposition process of the alloys was fol lowed by using differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and the activation energy for precipitation of Si was obtained through Kissinger analysis. The precipitation behaviour of Supersaturated Si in both samples was further examined by TEM. It was found that Si mainly precipitated inside the grains in Al-1 wt-%Si alloy. while in Al-4 wt-%Si alloy. nearly all the Si precipitates distributed along the grain boundaries. This may be due to the structure difference between the alloys in as-quenched state


Synthesis of Polycaprolactone with Two Carboxyl End Groups

Qijin ZHANG , Wenying XU , and Zhiyong WANG (Dept. of Mater. Sci. & Eng. , University of Science and Technology of China , Hefei , 230026 , China)(To whom correspondence should be addressed)(Dept. of Modern Chemistry , University of Science and Technology of Ch


At 225℃. caprolactone has been polymerized in the presence of succinic acid under dry nitrogen atmosphere. Characterizations of the polymer through IR and molecular weight measurements by 1H-NMR and end group titration have shown that the polycaprolactone obtained is of two carboxyl end groups. The molecular weight of it increases with decreasing of the acid content in the reaction mixture under the same polymerization conditions. With a certain ratio of acid to caprolactone. the maximum of molecular weight of the polymer will be reached at the reaction time of 3h.


Crystal Structure during Film Formation

Guoping DU , Hui SHEN , Lanping YUE , Weiguo YAO , Zongquan LI and Zhenzhong QI (Institute of Solid State Physics , Academia Sinica , Hefei , 230031 , China)(To whom correspondence should be addressed)


For evaporation-deposited Ti films, face-centred cubic structure was observed at the initial stage of film growth, then transited to the hexagonal close-packed structure during film growing (less than 50 nm thick). While. for ion-beam sputter-deposited films. the structure of films always kept the fcc structure during all stages of film formation. The structure of film at initial growth stages relates with the substrate. It is discussed that different film processes and different growth stages provide different thermodynamic condition of film formation and result in the different crystal structures of films during the film formation


Investigation on the Initial Stage of Film Growth in Situ

Zhenzhong QI , Guopin DU , Hanqi KE and Weiguo YAO(Institute of Solid State Physics , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Hefei , 230031 , China)


The initial stage of Ag film growth on Cu(100). Ta(100) and Ta(110) single crystals as well as YBaCuO on Si single crystal covered by Pd was investigated in situ by means of LAS 600 surface analysis system with a sputtering source in sample preparation chamber. The results show that the initial state for Ag / Cu(100) film growth is typical S-K model, for Ag / Ta(100) and Ag / Ta(110)they have the same S-K characteristics, but due to the different surface energies of two crystalline planes. there is some difference for Ag / Ta (100) and Ag / Ta(110). YBCO sputterjng process is rather complex and Cu is the first element appearing in the film.




